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Topical Interest Club Meeting for 13 September 2023

 From Brian

The topic for the meeting could well be The Diversity of Meanings of Words.  This has emerged as a topic from past discussions

as we tend to assume a meaning of a word and they may differ from person to person in discussion.

We can introduce the Western Philosophers Rorty   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Rorty   and Wittgenstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_Wittgenstein   briefly and go from there.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_holism may also be of interest if you dare to click!


Elaine has offered the following:

Words and how we get to understand what a word like "game" means. 

Wittgenstein is a philosopher from the early twentieth century who investigated language, and changed the course of philosophy. 

A key idea is to do with whether words have intrinsic, essential meanings, or whether they just make sense when used within a particular conversation. 

Wittgenstein argues that the way a word is used (like, for example, the word "game") is used in different ways in different places. 

He argues that the words like "game" when they are used in common language, in various contexts "have no one thing in common ... but that they are related to one another in many different ways."  That comes from point 65 of his Philosophical Investigations, published in 1953. 


What do you think of the following, point 66?  Let's explore some of these ideas. 

•              Let's talk about how children learn the meaning of the word "game" ... is it by going to a dictionary? ... or do adults explain all of the above? ... or what??


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