About This blog


About this blog

Clarification - I am the owner of this blog ... simply because I am using it to experiment with how a blog might work.  

However, I suspect that this will be a good tool for Networking for Wellbeing and all the related "plus" networks.  

I suspect that before the end of the year N4W and 7+ will have clarified that it is worth developing a single N4W blog, perhaps hosted by   7+ - but before we get there we need to test out how well this works.  

Meantime, I am the one who is leading the game of experimenting - but it is a team game - at this stage, Karen is linked in - and Niki will be when she returns from holiday.  Both have experience of using blogs in the past.  

I have set up several blogs over the last 25 years - and am gradually recalling my experiences. 

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