About This blog


Laughter Yoga

June and Elaine went to laughter yoga in the gardens (near the band rotunda) this morning - we really enjoyed it - laughed a lot - and had a picnic lunch afterwards.  We met lots of nice people - and even started a conversation about Laughter Yoga becoming allies* with Networking for Well-being.  Sally ran the session and taught us lots about the value of laughter (even if it is being acted) it.  

We are keen to go again - but it is another year before it will be in the gardens - the network usually meets in St Albans.  We hope others might join us - we'd go maybe once or twice a month - and put it on our list of spontaneous* happenings*

For more details check out Christchurch Laughter Yoga

June has found the following snippet about health benefits from Wikipedia

Notes on all the stars* from above above: Here are explanations of ideas that are gradually becoming used within N4W.  This is because N4W is trying to create fresh ways of networking. 

* Allies - Allies are groups or networks (or individual people) who have similar underpinning values to those on N4W.  They are not part of N4W because they are their own entities.  But N4W is NOT trying to create networks or groups unless there is a need growing within N4W for an activity.  Our current Allies are all tentative (like we have no formal agreement) - but N4W will promote what they do and keep them informed about what we are doing, when it is relevant. include: 

  • The Third Age Foundation which runs the Flourishing Groups - which we support - nine people from 7+ worked through these workshops in 2022.  We are planning to support a second group that will begin in a couple of months.  
  • Christchurch Workers Education Authority where several of us are involved with attending classes or workshops. 
  • and other smaller groups which have links with our members. 

* Spontaneous - some events within the N4W networks occur regularly (for example, Seven Plus has meetings on Wednesday mornings).  Other events in N4W arise because one or two people decide they are going somewhere - and let other people know about the time and place - so they can turn up if they feel like it.  As part of our development this year, N4W needs to clarify who would like to be contacted when spontaneous events come up. 

* Happenings - Happenings are unusual events that might attract interest from lots of people.  They are planned by a network within N4W and advertised widely among those who might be interested.  For example, if N4W chatted up the St Albans Laughter Yoga group to run a special session for us at a weekend, that would be a Happening.  


Technical notes on developing this blog ... 

  • Links are easy - but posting a Screenshot is less than perfect - and I have not taken the time to position it - I assume these issues are simple to solve - but that is not a priority today. 
  • This feels like a useful Blog for ways of sharing background ideas and possibilities.  It feels as thought the blog is allowing emerging ideas to be shared and developed.  
  • The Stars are for later use (I mean we can move them so they are more accessible)  - I visualise that there will be a link to a glossary where all our common terms like this can be looked up.