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Networking for wellbeing

During 2023 the Seven Plus network (7+) has worked on fostering and developing Networking for Well-being.  The following Q and A are tentative and emerging.  Clarifying the following is an ongoing activity. 

What is N4W?

  • N4W is a social movement, not an organisation.  It fosters networking as a way of supporting and working toward social good. 
  • N4W fosters collective well-being related to issues that global, environmental, national and local - in other words, all spheres.
  • For individuals, N4W supports and fosters growth in understanding, the skills of adapting to change, and working together to help each other.  

How does it work, and what does it do? 

  • N4W works through its networks.  Networks arise when people with a shared interest or purpose get together to support each other. 
    • The Seven Plus network (7+) arose when a group of seven people got together to share experiences related to moving out of paid work (some call it retirement, others hate the term).  It has evolved into a network of friends who meet for various activities at various venues on Wednesday mornings.  Those involved spontaneously do other things together at other times.  Seven Plus has supported the evolution of N4W.  
    • The Te Reo Plus network (TR+) arose so that those of us who knew very little Māori language could become more confident in taking part in conversations where we could learn more, not only about the language and its pronunciation, but also about the culture.  We have evolved into a network that meets fortnightly on Zoom and where we explore ideas and go together to various local cultural events - and where we each set our own goals about developing our skills and understandings. 
    • The Puna Hapori Plus network (PH+) arose from a Savings Pool (PHSP) which has been running for many years.  Some members of (PHSP) have a longstanding interest in the ideals of N4W and have recently formed PH+.  This is easily our least active network - simply because most members are involved in full time work and family commitments - but our ideal is to foster and support alternate economies (such as Timebanks, green dollars, savings pools) and ...  The ideas behind N4W grew, partly, through the work of these people.
    • The N4W Plus network (N4W+) has arisen from within 7+.  This is a network of people who foster and care for N4W as a movement.  It is currently working on developing the ideas about N4W and how it can grow and evolve. ** (see the waffle at the end of this Page!)
  • N4W is working to develop direct links with existing networks, organisations and groups that have similar goals and ways of working.  We do not want to reinvent the wheel.  We link with the wider community through our individual, personal networks: this provides direct access to all sorts of organisations and ideas.  In addition, we are beginning to develop more formal connections with:
    • The Third Age Foundation (3AF) - through Flourishing and the series of 12 workshops that 7Plus ran during 2022. 
    • Workers Educational Authority (WEA) - we see this organisation as being a possible home base for opening up future possibilities. 

How can I get involved and what is entailed? 

  • Come along to an event - our published events are open to all.  Or contact us through our email address (sevenplusfg@gmail.com).  If you email us we will make contact with you and figure out where to from here.
  • What is entailed is simply: get as involved as you wish, with whatever you wish. There are no fees, no commitments (unless you choose to take on a commitment).  We do expect active members to be active in supporting what we do in some way - but we recognise that people, nowadays, are unable to take on additional commitments - we work together to help each other. 

More waffle about what N4W+ might be doing .....     

As 7+ has evolved we have seen that people's interests are varied - only some of us are interested, or have the time, to support the development of N4W.  At the start of November, 2023 there are 12 people who belong to 7+ who have an interest in fostering networking and we are currently developing N4W+.   Our work includes such things as * letting our wider communities know about N4W and working with those who are interested to see how they might be involved;  developing ways of sharing information and communicating with each other (including skills in using Zoom, email, blogs, cellphones etc.);  supporting emerging networks (so they can share resources and ideas; fostering links with other community organisation that have similar values and goals; identifying our values and goals etc.; recognising that good things take time and this is NOT a topdown organisation - rather the aims are to do with becoming self-organising - becoming a movement rather than an organisation etc. (See the point about the fact we are evolving!);  strengthening understandings of communication technologies; developing purposeful principles; fostering meaningful conversations; and various other things;  .  . ,  and it extends beyond 7+.  This is our most recent network.  It has arisen from within 7+ and includes others who do not know about it yet.   

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