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231001 Summary of attendance at N4W meeting in October 2023


Hi, Everyone 

Massive thanks to all those involved yesterday - it went very well - a bit of interesting debate - and lots of diversions - 
but overall it was a magnificent example of teamwork where ideas were shared and developed.  

This is just a quick note to say that Bron, Beth, Niki, Tim, Janice, Jenny and I hosted Johnathon, Cathy, Tony, Jane, Grant, Brian, Clyde and John at WEA yesterday.  We also had several apologies from people outside 7Plus.  Some of these were people who wanted to hear more, and some were people with a longstanding interest in N4W cheering us on.  Most were retired or nearly. 
  • Two or three people are keen to come along to Seven Plus meetings. They are likely to be at Kevin's on Wednesday.
  • Others were interested in other "Plus" networks* (for example, 7+ and Te Reo+) - especially with a focus around the Arts - and the creative and healing power of, for example, music.  Ideas were floated about individual interests for discussion and/or events.  We need to make haste very slowly - and recognise that things are NOT being organised for us - the members are the ones sharing the mahi and we all have lives outside of this networking stuff.

  • Three or four groups/networks that already exist might link with N4W as Allies - these are organisations which are doing their own thing - but where we share common ideals and might work together to support each other.  (The Third Age Foundation is doing this already - and clearly, we could work more closely with WEA - the venue was great.  I'm wondering if we might offer a Flourishing course at WEA next year )
  • One or two busy or unwell people are on the keep-us-in-the-loop list.  One he'll watch out for us in future WEA material - he did not leave an email address.
Next steps - we need to consolidate all these ideas and involve people appropriately in mailing lists etc etc..  This is not a small task - but we already have a team working on it.  watch this space - and think about see that great work done by our team yesterday - planning in advance, catering, hosting, caring for the conversations - there was massive team work - including from our new colleagues who helped with the clean up etc.  Niki has referred to this work as the engine room in the background of N4W.  That seems like a very useful way of thinking about it.  We could call it N4W+ - the plus meaning that it is a network with a particular focus. 

We made a massive step forward yesterday - thanks to all involved.  And we will continue, slowly, as time permits, working on all the above.

Ngā mihi


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